How the e-seminars help you?

How can our seminars help you?

Stress management

It takes courage to look within ourselves and recognize patterns of behavior that hold us back from our greatest potential. By strengthening our perception and clarifying our vision through seminars / quests, we learn how to advance ourselves beyond the limits we know.

Specially designed daily activities will help you develop your spiritual skills such as acceptance, gratitude, love, generosity, forgiveness and humility so that you can bring harmony and prosperity into your life, enhancing your ability to face the difficulties of life and helping you to make the most of your potential.

Relationship management

The only change we can control is our personal growth. By improving ourselves, we respect those around us, and they, in turn, begin to relate to us in different ways. Then hope enters the equation of relations and an atmosphere of “greater change” is created.

In the seminars / quests, you learn and develop with others through closed networking groups. In this way, the cooperation and the connection with people who are in a similar course of personal improvement are promoted. You become a member of a large group of individual and group transformation!

Development of new skills

During your personal development work, you may encounter a pleasant side effect of learning new skills or enhancing skills you already have or even connecting with skills you had forgotten about or did not know you had. In this way, you achieve your personal goals by devoting only 20΄ of your time per day.

Development of creativity

Practicing the right side of our brain develops our imagination and helps to develop creativity and creative thinking skills.

The daily activities / exercises of the seminars are specially designed to stimulate the right cerebral hemisphere, to develop mental function and to awaken creativity.

Improvement of concentration

By combining different techniques that are adapted to the content and actions of the seminars / personal quests, the individual creates new more positive images while at the same time training the brain to re-focus on personal goals. This results in improved concentration.


The development of a mentality of abundance affects our personal and professional success, leads to greater creativity and happiness. It also increases gratitude, self-esteem and builds positive habits.

With us, in the course of your development, you surround yourself with people dedicated to conscious purposes. People who are looking for the positive aspect in any experience, who can push you forward, encourage you and celebrate your achievements with you!

Join us to create a clear vision of how you want your life in the future, focus on your unique strengths through specially designed programs, and welcome your abundant life!

Awakening of intuition

In specific ways suggested in the seminars / personal quests, you develop an authentic connection with the inner voice of your intuition, you learn to trust it and to separate it from the voice of the Ego.

Development of brain function

The human brain has an amazing ability to adapt and change – even in old age. This ability is known to scientists as neuroplasticity. With the right stimulation, our brain can form new neural pathways, change existing connections and thus adapt and react in ever-changing ways.

The seminars / personal quests are designed in such a way that you learn something new every day and stimulate the brain through specially adapted exercises that ultimately push you to new mental paths that will broaden your perception, helping you gain flexibility and evolve your behaviors on a daily basis.

Learn the secrets of success in life , these people hold the key.

This particular seminar made it very clear for me to visualize very clearly what is holding me back from achieving what I want. It helped me a lot in getting rid all of my obstacles, targeting the positive parts of myself and how to change bad habits and bad mindset. I saw positive results immediately in my psychology and within two months I also saw a change in what I wanted wherever I started to attract them!
Mat. T.
I got most of what I put into those photos we collected of things we dream about. More specifically, I had put a beautiful house, awards for my work, money and photos with algorithms. I am currently abroad for PhD studies, in a beautiful and big house, come a prestigious scholarship and a week ago a scholarship (as an award for my progress so far) while I started a machine learning course and I see myself familiarizing myself with algorithmic issues. These days I was thinking strongly than ever about the fact that I had put all this into those pictures, into this seminar! I'm so glad to be able to share it with you, it's amazing how successful it is!!
F. K.
What was it like to have something every day.. in this unprecedented experience of the confinement of the so-called quarantine? It was something "saving" given that it created anticipation for me, otherwise everything was miserable and repetitive. What did it help me to know myself better? The different stages (meditation, watching videos, answering questionnaires) gave each time more information about myself. I would suggest it because...... even now that I look back at my notes, mark my “wants”, what is important to me, what fills my life with abundance. Even if some of them have “diminished” for various reasons, my basic values remain and I believe in a more abundant life that I should not forget but remind myself of! The success of this entire project would not have been achieved without the coordination and daily “presence” of psychotherapist Maria Samioti. We sincerely thank you!
Alk. Sar.
The Abundance seminar came as a gift in an unprecedented phase due to the quarantine. I was struck by key, fundamental realizations that emerged with the very first few days/tasks that helped me now have a solid axis of gratitude for my life. Simplicity, straightforwardness and honesty are all that are needed from each of us to get the most out of the seminar. The exciting thing is to find that the concept, the understanding of the abundance and the tools of the seminar I am a constant ... area of safety, reconstruction, revision, always available to give us the opportunity to look inside without fear and around us with only the truth as a guide .I hope like every conquest there are next steps.!
Evag. P.
The Abundance e-seminar helped me observe my beliefs, put them under the microscope and realize which of them belong to me or I inherited from those around me. Help me organize my thoughts, order them so I don't get lost in them. Even more importantly it taught me to have Gratitude and to realize that Abundance is not limited to money, but exists in everything that surrounds me. If I had to describe this seminar in 3 words these would definitely be: Optimism, Exhilarating and immensely Exciting. I can confidently say that I was educated in a new outlook on life and opened my mind to new possibilities and choices. It was a commitment that only brought good, a step closer to the best version of ourselves.
Joa. Ven.

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    Personal Development and Transformation e-Seminars